Saturday, May 5, 2012

ILSR: Institute for Local Self Reliance.

Visit their web site and learn more. Over the last 25 years, a handful of giant retailers have grown to dominate the U.S. economy. ILSR challenges the wisdom of this market concentration. Through research and analysis, we have built a compelling case that places that are home to numerous locally owned businesses are more prosperous, sustainable, and resilient than those in which much of the retail sector is controlled by a few big chains. For more than a decade, ILSR has worked with elected officials, community organizations, and business groups to implement policies that constrain the market power of larger retailers, eliminate tax loopholes and public subsidies that give them an unfair advantage, revitalize neighborhood commercial districts, and strengthen and rebuild independent businesses. Today, there are encouraging signs that local retail may be making a comeback, including an increase in the number of neighborhood grocers and independent bookstores. Grassroots initiatives to restore local economic systems have taken root in hundreds of communities, inspired in part by ILSR’s work.

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